Terms of Use

The User’s (Your) use of the online information services contained on this website acknowledges that you have fully read and completely understood the meanings and purpose of the Terms and Conditions of Use contained below, accepts them and undertakes to be bound. The Oman Oil Marketing Company SAOG (henceforth OOMCO) may amend these terms and conditions of use at any time by posting the amended terms and conditions on the Website. All amended terms shall automatically become effective after they are posted on the Website and any subsequent use of the site shall be governed by such amended terms.

From time to time this Website may include links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience for the purposes of providing further information such as providing a service to users of the OOMCO Website or the Websites of its business partners or subsidiaries. These links do not signify that The OOMCO endorses those website(s) and in no event will OOMCO or its business partners and subsidiaries be responsible for the content of the sites it links to. All information and recommendations, and all hypertext links and/or any other computer links available on this Website are offered in utmost good faith.

This information is believed to be accurate as of the date you view it, however OOMCO or its subsidiaries make no representations or warranties as to the completeness or accuracy of any of this information. You assume the entire risk of relying on this information.

This information is supplied to you on the condition that you or any other person receiving this information will make their own determination as to its suitability for any purpose prior to any use of this information. In no event will OOMCO or its subsidiaries be responsible for damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use or reliance upon this information or any product referred to in this information.

This information is not to be construed as recommendations to use any information, product, process, equipment, or formulation that conflicts with any patent, copyright, or trademark, and OOMCO or its subsidiaries make no representation or warranty, express or implied, that any use of this information will not infringe on any patent, copyright or trademark.

OOMCO or its subsidiaries categorically reject any interpretation which tends to assimilate the content of their websites with offers of purchase or incitement to purchase shares or other securities, whether listed or non-listed, of OOMCO, or any one of its direct or indirect subsidiaries or affiliate companies.

OOMCO is owned by its shareholders and our affiliates, employees, agents and sub-contractors may have access to your information where necessary to undertake the activities relevant to our business. As OOMCO operates internationally, your information may be transferred to countries outside Oman and all information will be duly encrypted. Any such information sharing will be governed by legal agreements compliant with the Data Privacy laws of The Sultanate of Oman.

No Warranty

The information contained on the Website is provided by OOMCO without warranty or representations of any kind, expressed or implied including (but not limited to) any implied warranties of reliability, fitness for any particular purpose, timeliness, sequence, completeness, non-infringement of third party rights and/or freedom from errors or inaccuracies.

No undertaking is made under any circumstances by OOMCO or its subsidiaries or affiliate companies to update or correct information distributed on Internet or on their Website. Also, OOMCO or its subsidiaries and affiliates reserve the right to alter or correct the content of their sites at any time without notice.

Indemnification of OOMCO

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold OOMCO, its officers, directors, employees, agents, licensors and suppliers, harmless from and against any claims, damages, actions and liabilities including without limitation, your loss of profits, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the Website or the software supporting/enabling the Website and reasonable legal and accounting fees, resulting from, or alleged to result from Your use of this Website or the software supporting/enabling the Website.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

You consent to the jurisdiction of the Courts of The Sultanate of Oman for the adjudication of any legal dispute between OOMCO and You. This Website Legal Notice will be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of The Sultanate of Oman.


If any provision of this Website Legal Notice is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Website Legal Notice, which shall remain in full force and effect.

Intellectual Property Copyright

All the information on this Website (documents contained on the site and all elements created for the site) are the property of OOMCO or its subsidiaries and affiliates and are governed by copyright laws at the time they are made available to the public on this Web server. Copies of documents contained on this site can only be made for information purposes, and solely for strictly private use. No license and no right other than the right of site viewing is granted to any person in respect of intellectual property rights. Reproduction of site documents is authorized solely for informative purposes and for personal, private use: any reproduction and any use of copies made for other purposes is expressly forbidden.

Protected Names

All corporate names, logos, and Registered® and Trademark TM products mentioned in this site belong to OOMCO. They may not be used without the prior written agreement of OOMCO.

Commitment of the User

Each visitor to the OOMCO site or the sites of its subsidiaries or affiliates, who provides information to OOMCO grants OOMCO full transfer rights relevant to such information, and authorizes OOMCO to make use thereof as it deems fit. The information provided by our visitors will be considered as non-confidential and must be accurate, lawful and non-detrimental to third party interests. Visitors are deemed to have taken note of the above warning and undertake to take heed of each of these recommendations.

Unauthorized Use of the Website

The User is permitted to use the Website for lawful purposes only. Unauthorized use of the Website includes posting or transmission of data which violates or infringes in any way upon the rights of OOMCO or third parties, which is unlawful, defamatory or otherwise objectionable or which constitutes advertising of goods or services in the absence of written approval from. Unauthorized use of this Website may give rise to OOMCO instituting a claim for damages against You and/or You may be found guilty of a statutory and/or criminal offence and/or be liable for civil damages.

Cautionary Factors that may affect Future Results

The documents in this site may contain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations, business, strategy and plans of OOMCO. In particular, statements using the words “expects”, “anticipates”, and similar expressions, and statements with regards to management goals and objectives, expected or targeted production data, or trends in results of operations or margins are forward-looking in nature. Such statements are based on a number of assumptions that could ultimately prove inaccurate, and are subject to a number of risk factors, including currency fluctuations, the price of petroleum products, the ability to realize cost reductions and operating efficiencies without unduly disrupting business operations, environmental regulatory considerations and general economic and business conditions. OOMCO does not assume any obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.